A. Name of the department - Department of History
B. Year of Establishment - 2008.
Department of History, Government Degree College Uttersoo, openheartedly welcomes all the students who opt history as one of their core subjects and are deeply interested in History reading and writing. The department has a broad vision and mission to make History reading interesting and job oriented.
a. The History department aims to make the students aware of the past and its legacies through teaching and extension activities in Indian History in the context of world history.
b. We believe that only a critical understanding of the past will enable the students to understand the present and help them look towards the future.
c. Department is keen to evolve new pedagogical tools. In that process, department of history is using Films, Documentaries, and audio-video material.
d. Department is promoting participatory methods of learning. Department organizes student seminars, quiz competitions, group discussion, open discussion to train the students. It regularly organizes tours to historical places, museums and tourist destinations. Student has to prepare the reports based on their field visits.
e. Department is innovative in employing different participatory modes of examination. Students are asked to write book reviews, visit reports, report writing of the seminar conference and workshop.
f. Department organizes various programmes to apprise the students about competitive exams like KAS and IAS etc. and how to crack them.
g. Department uses modern technology like smart board projector, internet etc. for teaching—learning.
h. Department is keen to develop and foster the virtues like mutual respect, love for state and nation and patriotism among its students.
i. Department is keen to provide ample knowledge to its students regarding art and architecture of India and to preserve and maintain the Cultural legacy.
a. To enrich the quality and standard of teaching and learning through modern technology and science.
b. To create human resources with versatile personality.
c. To enrich students about their local culture.