
Sports & Physical Education | Health & Wellness

FYUGP with Health & Wellness as VAC

Course Code: HYS024V HEALTH AND WELLNESS COURSE OBJECTIVES: • To help understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle • To familiarize students about physical and mental health • To create awareness of various life style related diseases • To provide understanding of stress management CREDITS: 02

UNIT I. INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH & WELLNESS (15 lectures) Define and differentiate health and wellness. Importance of health and wellness Education. Historical background of yoga and its relevance in contemporary world. Need and importance of yoga. Asanas and meditation for healthy well-being. Prenatal yoga for women well-being. Yoga and stress management. Diet and nutrition for health & wellness. Essential components of balanced diet for healthy living with specific reference to the role of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins & minerals. Processed foods and unhealthy eating habits. Identification of suicidal tendencies. Substance abuse (Drugs, Cigarette, Alcohol), de-addiction, counselling and rehabilitation. UNIT II. MANAGEMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS. (15 lectures) Healthy foods for prevention of life-threatening diseases with special reference to cancer, Hypertension, Diabetes and Cardiovascular diseases. Physical Fitness and components of Physical Fitness. Advantages of Good Physique. Active and sedentary lifestyles and its implications. Postural deformities and its corrective measures. Psychological wellbeing and its importance in the field of Sports. Role of sleep in maintenance of physical and mental health. SUGGESTED BOOKS: • Physical Activity and Health by Claude Bouchard, Steven N. Blair, William L. Haskell. • Mental Health Workbook by Emily Attached & Marzia Fernandez, 2021. • Mental Health Workbook for Women: Exercises to Transform Negative Thoughts and Improve Well-Being by Nashay Lorick, 2022. • Lifestyle Diseases: Lifestyle Disease Management, by C. Nyambichu & Jeff Lumiri, 2018. • Physical Activity and Mental Health by Angela Clow & Sarah Edmunds, 2013.

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  • Gulzar Ahmad Taray

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Government Degree College Uttersoo



