
Under CBCS the examination is held after the completion of every semester. The pattern of the examination is two tier scheme wherein both descriptive as well as objective questions are asked in the examination paper. The objectives are 40 in number and descriptive are eight in number ranging from both short answer type questions to long answer type questions. Following are the few general guidelines governing the examination under CBCS.

  • Examination for both descriptive as well as objective components shall be held in a single meeting/sitting of two hours duration as per the calendar notified by the Controller of examinations, University of Kashmir.
  • Both descriptive as well as objective question papers shall be served to the candidates simultaneously at the beginning of the examinations.
  • First objective type question paper is to be attempted and completed within 40 minutes after the distribution of question and answer papers. The OMR sheets are to be submitted with the examination supervisor without any delay. Delaying in handing over the OMR sheets may result in cancellation of examination of the particular student.
  • Once OMR sheets are handed over to examination supervisor descriptive type paper shall be attempted. Answers to the descriptive type questions are meant to be written in the given spaces for the particular questions. Exceeding the space limit will lead to the curtailment awarding the marks.
  • Examination for Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (EVS & English) shall be conducted at the end of Semester 2nd only.
  • Electronic gadgets are not allowed in the examination hall
  • Hall ticket and identity proof is mandatory in order to take examinations.
  • Regular students shall enter into the examination hall in the college uniform only.
  • Cheating in the examination hall, misbehaving with the examination supervisory staff will lead to the cancellation of the examination. In any such situation cheating/misbehaving case will be forwarded to the University examination cell for the necessary action against the concerned student.
  • Leaving examination hall along with the original OMR sheet or answer book is liable to severe punishment ranging from cancellation of examination to restriction from the college rolls.